Paul Buchanan

Paul is interested in helping community-focused organisations to reach their potential. He currently runs Hall Aitken along with a group of like-minded colleagues. This lively bunch like to inspire, engage and learn with clients, ranging from the government to housing associations. For over 20 years, he has been involved in organising talented people to support ambitious projects, and helping organisations across the UK to move on to the next big thing. These included a government-funded programme to build over 63 new youth centres in England, and an ambitious healthy ageing programme across 14 partnerships which aimed to reduce social isolation.

Paul first made a mark building confidence and esteem in communities, supporting enterprises and establishing tourism in places blighted by factory and mine closures. He helped put Dundee on the tourism map and launch Great British Cities as a brand to sell post-industrial city breaks. A talent for finding off-beat challenges led to assignments in the Baltic States and Falkland Islands, among other interesting places. An experienced non-exec, he recently completed two terms as board member of Glasgow Colleges Regional Board, as Vice Chair and Chair of its audit and assurance committee. For 12 years before that, he chaired the board at Reid Kerr College in Paisley and worked to reach as many people as possible who were disengaged from education. He climbs hills in his spare time and completed the Munros in 2019.